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Internet Safety: Middle School


With teens as young as seven getting smartphones, it's important to teach middle school aged kids the importance of internet safety and being safe while on social media.


A study showed the following:


91% of teens have an email address


68% have an instant-­message app


74% have profiles on social networking sites


Many teens would rather give up TV or video games versus their access to the internet.

Teenagers often act impulsively. This lack of impulse leads middle schoolers toward behaviors such as cyberbullying, inappropriate photo or video uploads, meeting strangers, and even worse.


Many teenagers don't realize that what they post online can be saved by others. This means that everything you upload online, stays online, even if you delete it. Teenagers often act on impulse or hormones and don't think before they do. They are then left with the consequences of their dangerous actions.



  • Don’t give out personal information without your parents’ permission. Don't ever share your last name, home address, school name, or telephone number/email address. Even if you think you know the person, don't send them any private information.

  • Don’t share your password with anyone. When you use a school computer, make sure you logout of the accounts you’ve accessed before leaving the classroom/library. Don't even share your passwords with your best friends.

  • Never post or message any sexually explicit pictures or messages. Don't agree to sexually explicit conversation with anyone that asks you to. If a stranger asks this of you, immediately delete them and report them.

  • Don’t agree to meet an online friend unless you have your parents’ permission. People pretend to be people that they are not and this can put you at risk. Don't ever meet with someone you met online, alone.

  • Be cautious while opening up attachments and links. Some links contain viruses. Never open an attachment from someone you don’t know.

  • Don’t send or respond to mean or insulting messages. Tell your parents if you receive one. If something happens online that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents about how it made you feel. Don't be scared to talk to an adult if you're experiencing something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • Many social networking websites have minimum age requirements to signup. These requirements are there for a reason!

Teens often struggle to know right from wrong when it comes to being online versus being offline. While you may think you're mature enough to not get into online danger, that's not always the case. Learn More!

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